National Indigenous Fire Safety Council
Conseil national autochtone de la sécurité-incendie

Indigenous Public Safety Conference and National Firefighting Competition 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 Indigenous Public Safety Conference in Montreal, Quebec on September 14 and 15 at the Sheraton Montreal Airport Hotel.

Interested in participating in next year's event? Contact us to join our mailing list.

National Firefighting Competition 2023

National Firefighting Competition 1st Place Winners

Team Manitoba from Cross Lake First Nation

National Firefighting Competition 2nd Place Winners

Team Alberta from Beaver Lake Cree Nation

National Firefighting Competition 3rd Place Winners

Team British Columbia from Saik'uz First Nation

National Firefighting Competition Most Sportsmanlike Team Winners

Team Atlantic from Eskasoni, Tobique and Elsipogtog First Nations

2023 National Firefighting Competition Teams

Thank you to all the incredible participants, volunteers, judges, and hardworking staff who made the 34th annual competition in Kahnawake First Nation a success.

2023 National Firefighting Competition

Indigenous Public Safety Conference 2023

Indigenous Public Safety Conference Elder

Dr. Amelia Tekwatonti McGregor

Opening Ceremonies Keynote Speaker

Gordon Routley

Closing Ceremonies Keynote Speaker

Jordan Nolan

NIFSC Board of Directors

NIFSC Executive Director - Nathan Wright

Board of Director President - Michelle Vandevord

Three-Time Stanley Cup Champion - Jordan Nolan

Quebec Minister - Ian Lafrenière

NIFSC Board of Director - William "Billy" Moffat

NIFSC SR. Director - Blaine Wiggins

NIFSC Board of Directors President - Michelle Vandevord

IFMS Deputy Operations Chief - Arnold Lazare

Indigenous Public Safety Conference Program