National Indigenous Fire Safety Council
Conseil national autochtone de la sécurité-incendie

NIFSC National Incident Reporting System (NIRS)

Reporting a fire takes minutes!

These instructional videos highlight the importance of the National Incident Reporting System (NIRS) and demonstrate how participation in NIRS empowers Indigenous communities. The Instructional Guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the NIRS.

What is the National Incident Reporting System?

The National Incident Reporting System (NIRS) is a unique database managed by the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council (NIFSC) that gathers, stores, and analyses fire incident data from Indigenous communities. By reporting fire incidents, the NIRS will be able to analyze the causes, origins, and circumstances of fires to identify risks and draw attention to areas of concern at a local, provincial, and national level.

Reporting fire incidents, and collecting this data, will also help identify trends, deficits, and emerging risks as well as inform future education, infrastructure, and economic planning.

Why is it important to report a fire incident?

Reporting a fire incident helps us to identify gaps in fire protection within Indigenous communities and supports the reduction of fire-related injuries, property damages, and loss of life.

It also supports long-term decision making to ensure that First Nations/Métis and Inuit are offered the same level of protection and education as others.

By understanding why and how fires occur, we can bring direct attention to the root causes and prevent future fires from happening.

How to Report a Fire Incident

How to Report a Fire Incident Online

Step 1: Go to Report an Incident.

Step 2: Fill out the web form.

Step 3: Submit the completed form.

Step 4: Data will be logged in the database.

Step 5: A copy of the report will be sent to the person submitting the form at the email address provided on the form.

How to Report a Fire Incident by Phone

To report a fire incident by phone, please contact NIFSC at 1-778-866-2291 and ask to report a fire incident. A specialist from our team will be happy to assist you in completing the form.

If you are already familiar with your regional Delivery Specialist, please contact them directly for further assistance.

If you have questions or concerns about the NIRS, reach out to NIRS Coordinator Adam Samms at

Step 1: Report the incident over the phone.

Step 2: The incident will be reported on your behalf and a copy will be emailed to you for your records.

NIRS Current State


Incident takes place.


Community member reports the incident to the NIRS and the incident is entered into a secure, Canadian controlled repository with similar data from across Canada.


Data is secured and will be encrypted via various security measures.


Data organized and analyzed.


Trends will be identified as data matures and incidents are recorded over time.

NIRS Future State (2024 and beyond)


Trends and information are shared back with communities and regional organizations to target future initiatives.


Information is used for planning public education initiatives and addressing resource needs to improve training and public safety.


Incident rates decrease over time due to increased knowledge of risks.


Fire and life safety practices, knowledge and public education improve supporting safer communities.