National Indigenous Fire Safety Council
Conseil national autochtone de la sécurité-incendie


Investigation programs are designed to provide communities with support for both fire investigations and data collection. These programs include provisions for training non-investigators in addition to providing accredited training.

There are three Investigations programs currently in development with the NIFSC.

601 Fire Investigation Services

Fire Investigation Services provides investigations of fires (cause, origin, and circumstances) for communities. It also ensures the collection of fire reporting data. Investigations may collaborative with police or provincial agencies for fires with extenuating circumstances. Communities and where required, relevant agencies, will be provided with the fire investigation report. 

Delivery Resource – IFMS Delivery Specialist (certified fire investigator) 

602 Introduction to Fire Investigation

Introduction to Fire Investigations is a workshop is developed to provide basic information to the fire investigation process, NFPA 1033 standards and training required to become a certified fire investigator education. Target audience include fire service members, building officers and First Nations enforcement officers. 

Delivery Resource – IFMS Delivery Specialist (certified fire investigator)  

602-A Fire Investigator Training - Certified (2022/23)

NFPA 1033 Fire Investigator Training – accredited.  Collaboration agreement with accredited training agency in progress.  

Delivery Resource – IFMS Delivery Specialist (certified fire investigator) 

603 Fire Scene Preservation Training

Fire Scene Preservation Training is designed for fire department personnel to understand and implement proper procedures for maintaining a fire scene prior to investigation. The target audience is fire service members, police agencies serving fire departments and public works departments. The program is a companion program to Fire Investigator Services intended for non-investigating personnel.  

Delivery Resource – IFMS Delivery Specialist (certified fire investigator)